Recollection Entry 3 – January 7 2022
Was listening to the Persona 5 Royal Relaxing Music video
and it got to the part with gSunset Bridgeh and I started crying. All the gpersonash or gdemonic familiarsh or gevil spiritsh or gfallen angelsh in the world are not powerful enough to save us, only Christ Jesus can save us. Only faith alone in Our Saviour Jesus Christ can save us. And the good music I listen to, I listen to it because it is good, because God is the creator of all music that is good.
John 1:12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,
My whole body vibrated; I could feel my senses shiver. Because everyone will be saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ. Now itfs on the gAlley Cath song part, which fits the mood. But, when I was editing my old Journal Entries before, therefs a lot of things I forgot about, and a lot of things I still experience. I am still trapped to some extent, we all are, as long as sin exists in this world, which causes suffering.
John 3:17: "God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world be saved through Him."
There are so many evil ideologies going around, like the sinful Russian Orthodox Church which supports so many sins like the mass kidnapping of children, the torture of many citizens, murder and genocide. But eventually, all of these sins will be washed away, because everyone will believe in Christ and be saved. Godfs love is stronger than Putinfs hate.
And, I saw a past Journal Entry where I asked gDo I shed my tears out of sadness or happiness?h. But Christ promises to wipe away all of our tears, so I think these are tears of sadness, because all sadness will be wiped away.
Just wanted to vent. I finished Persona 5 before Persona 5 Royal then finished the latter with my sister. Ifve been talking about the news about Russiafs evil invasion of Ukraine with my mother since it first started. A lot of time has passed by, and still, therefs a lot of time left to go. But, with every day, we move forward. Therefs nothing we can do, but keep walking on. Because salvation is not through any of our own good works, which are like filthy rags. They cannot save us. Only faith alone in Jesus Christ can save us. And as each day passes by, we get closer to when all people will accept Jesus Christ with faith only. The day where every person in existence will be a believer in Christ.
So thatfs one reason why I walk forward. Curiosity in Christ.