February 28th (Wednesday) 2018


"Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?" - Psalm 56:8


Not only that, but it helps to show me that all of the trials that I go through in life are not in vain. That while looking back at all of these Journal Entries (that's what I call them) that all of these trials in life have only helped shape me into becoming a better person in life. I'm sure you can relate. God bless!


Buddhism teaches that man's suffering is caused by his own selfish cravings and dislikes, and if humanity can change its way of thinking, that nirvana (a peaceful state of rest and tranquility) can be achieved amidst the problems of this world. It all boils down to mind control; but this does not address the wicked heart of mankind, which the Bible says is desperately wicked and deceitful above all else. Jeremiah 17:9, gThe heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?h Buddhism attempts to reform the human mind, without addressing the sinful heart that cannot be tamed. 


No wonder modern secular psychology gravitates towards this eastern religion. Non-Christian psychology is rooted in humanism, evolution and atheism. The concept of sin is not recognized. The need for a Savior, and the precious gift of eternal life offered in Christ Jesus are not recognized. Non-Christian psychology attempts to repair the mind and heart through education, reformation and rehabilitation; while totally ignoring the spirit of man, which is gdead in trespasses and sinsh (Ephesians 2:1). Hebrews 4:12 clearly distinguishes between gthe dividing asunder of soul and spirith in man, and plainly teaches that only the Word of God can accomplish this miracle. 


Either way, personally I see Buddhism and Christianity as opposite to each other as Atheism and Christianity is, but that's just my view point.


Yeah, someone who doesn't believe in God. Thus you should know that religion [as in man made] is fake right? Because Christianity isn't a religion, it's not a set of beliefs, but rather one belief alone in Jesus Christ. [Faith alone in Jesus Christ saves and all people thus will be saved]


I find that these journal entries are getting of better and of better quality every day. One tip thatfs good is to not get to gmetah but instead describe physical extroverted details (such as your day every day) just so that therefs something to talk about, rather than vague advice like this. This is good, but keep short.