[Christ will save the entire world. A happy ending for everyone. Believe in Him and be saved, all people will be. God loves you my friends and blesses you with happiness and love <3]

·        [Luke 3:6 All flesh shall see the salvation of God]


Journal Entry 721 – Hard Timing

September 10th (Tuesday) 2019

Hard to get the timing of these right, since Ifm focusing on my studies. And I donft want to get distracted by this, because Ifm overshadowed by the fact that, who would even care to read this? Ifm just holding out for when we can all be infinitely eternally equally happy in heaven forever. Christian Universalism. And all that. Thatfs my motivation to work hard, because eventually I will be happy.

Psalm NEB 116:3-8 The cords of death bend me, Sheol [Hell] held me in its grip . so I invoked the Lord by name. "Deliver me, 0 Lord, I beseech thee..." Gracious is the Lord and righteous, our God is full of compassion ...I was brought low and he saved me ... He has rescued me from death.


Journal Entry 722

September 11th (Wednesday) 2019

I love everyone. And I hope that in Heaven (everyone going there immediately, infinitely, eternally, equally happy forever after death).

[ISAIAH 14:24, 27 The Lord Almighty has sworn, "Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand"... For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?]


Journal Entry 728 – Collect Thoughts

September 17th (Tuesday) 2019

The only thing that keeps me going is thinking about Heaven. Where I can imagine a time where we can all be immediately equally eternally happy forever without ceasing. Thatfll only happen when Ifm dead though, and since I only live once, I may as well do my best and survive as long as possible.

Letfs see how long I can last.

[Psalm NEB 86:13 For thy true love stands high above me; thou hast rescued my soul from the depths of Sheol.]

[And so, as of typing this on December 29th 2022, I have lasted as the Lord upholds me. I believe in Jesus Christ with faith alone and I am saved permanently. Thus, all people will become believers in Christ Jesus with faith only and be permanently saved.]


Journal Entry 748

October 6th (Sunday) 2019

And while my hopes are set out on everyone being infinitely equally eternally happy forever in Heaven, thatfs still a super long way away. And I canft shorten the process by killing myself either, since only God can decide at what time someone dies. So I want this one temporary life I have on Earth to be smooth sailing successful.

And I figured the titlefs a good double meaning too, when Ifve already used all my extroverted energy answering questions and I just wanna rest my introverted self. And itfs such a blessing that all this is on the weekends too. Many thanks God.

[Psalm NIV 100:5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues to all generations.]


Journal Entry 781 – Lost USB

November 9th (Saturday) 2019

I also thought my USB storing all these Journal Entries was gone. Luckily, it was simply underneath the black rug near my computer. While it is relieving since Ifm making sure to back all of this up multiple times, it was such an obvious spot. Like, I got so stressed running around the house checking every nook and cranny for it that Ifve started to taste the blood from my wisdom tooth incisions tearing from my gums.

Ifd oftentimes go close to the Lord for support. Itfs helped to calm me down and lower my stress levels after a few minutes. And funnily enough when checking the top folder of my USB, Wow, thatfsc amazing really. It gives me hope in Universalism. That all of this pain, suffering and trauma will be forgotten. And that everyone will be infinitely equally eternally happy forever. Thank you, God, for giving me this blessed hope. I love you so much for that.

[MICAH 7:18-20 Who is a god like thee? Thou takest away guilt, thou passes over the sin of the remnant of thy own people, thou dost not let thy anger rage for ever but delightest in love that will not change. Once more thou wilt show us tender affection and wash out our guilt, casting all our sins into the depths of the sea. ]