The entire Universe saved through the Universal Salvation offered by Christ. Faith accepts the free gift, have faith in Jesus!

John 3:35 "The Father loves the Son and has given ALL THINGS into His hands." ()


Journal Entry 99 - Validatea

December 23rd (Saturday) 2017

Thinking Ifm going to meditate? Well, yeah, but not now. Thinking Ifm going to play video games? Well, yeah, but not now? Thinking Ifm going to keep on using this formatting? Well, yeah but now.

To cheer myself up, Ifm going to tell myself this.

Yeah, Ifll probably have to censor most of that, though maybe just the names themselves if Ifm lucky.

Anyways, I have work to do, ironically speaking since itfs supposed to be my break, but better to get this stuff done now then later. Plus, I donft want to enjoy this gbreakh too much since my work is right after, my real break comes when Ifm done school (where Ifve finally left behind all the religious trauma too).

But Ifm not weak enough to believe in the weak opinions of weaklings [fundamentalists, I say this kindly]. Ifm strong [universal salvation], and this is my life, not yours. If you want your life to needlessly be bad, then go ahead, thatfs your choice. Personally, Ifd rather prefer a happy life and thatfs it.

No wonder so much people get diseases and depressed in life, instead of following the satisfaction of themselves their trying to satisfy others. Ifm not weak enough for that.

The only personfs opinion that should matter to you is your own.

If you are happier by the end of it, it is not wasted time.

Not everything you do has to make you "grow as a person" or add to your skill set. Regardless of whatever it is that you're doing, there is a high probability that you could be doing something more important, so there's always that opportunity cost. By the same argument, it's okay to do something completely pointless if it brings you joy.

The only wasted time is time spent doing something you don't enjoy and which adds little value to your life.

Ifm not weak enough to fall for your weak minded insults and opinions. I donft need to self validate myself with a defense because Ifm not going to waste my time with you.