Christ Jesus will save absolutely every person in existence, have faith in Him, savior of the whole world, my friends!

Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people,


Journal Entry 31 Back to Morrow

October 16th (Monday) 2017

I spend so much time toiling through life, so I should at least spend some time writing about it. If the days are going to make themselves long, then Ifll make it worth it. Lifefs not going to be enjoyable anyways, more adapted to earn rewards in Heaven. How joyful Heaven will be!

John 16:22, gAnd ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.h

Regular workout. My back hurts from my chair back.


One of my headphone things broke. Plus I ran out of toothpaste so I threw it out. I didnft bother bringing case like normal, since I can just bring toothpaste there.

Mom wants me to go to discussions because she thinks Ifm apart of some Christian cult. I just say that salvation is faith alone. For some reason, she considers me on the cult level. She even thought I mentioned purgatory when I said gthy salvationh lol! [The Catholic infernalist purgatory is false, because it implies some people go to Hell, but Hell will be completely empty, since all people will be saved by Christ. We are not saved by our suffering, but rather our faith in Christ]