The Lord Jesus Christ is the saviour of every person in existence! This is the absolute truth, as written in scripture. The Bible tell us plainly and clearly that everybody will be saved by Christ, that is, all will become believers in Jesus, the Sovereign Lord, which shall be all in all, and thus everyone will go to Heaven!

John 13:3 The Father "has given ALL THINGS into Jesus' hands."


Journal Entry 30 – No Time For Long

October 15th (Sunday) 2017

I canft believe. [I do believe, but in this moment of desperation, I lost the feeling of assurance of salvation, the joy] Ifm in the middle of feeling my emotion.  I want this to be worth it. This proves my worth it, I need it to be worth it. Their voices upstairs; they haunt me, their noisy foots on the steps; they paralyze me; it fears me. STOP IT NOW HERE.