Jesus Christ will save all people, everyone will go to Heaven. Have faith in the Lord, Christ, all people will be saved, guaranteed.


Journal Entry 10 – Relaxing in Vain

September 13th (Friday) 2017.

You know, last Thursday night, I tried to relax. The rest of the time they talk so much and tire me out. Of course, since their my local family, I have to be nice to them, but itfs just so tiring to do this. Right now Ifm tired.

But Ifll go into that topic on a later date if I have time. Right now, Ifm pretty busy with my work. Ifm a guilty sinner, just like everyone else, so donft expect me to condemn anyone. I was just like them without trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. [But now I am saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ, amen, and all people will be]


What I find sad is that the Donft get me wrong, itfs not like we were supposed to do exactly that, but I feel like itfs hurt her a little bit on the inside. I know Ifd feel the same way. Really the only reason why I myself didnft raise my hand to her question is that most of the stuff on that were these complex that I myself didnft know how to do. I mean seriously, itfs like shefs a math professorwith all this terminology!