Jesus Christ will save all the people in the whole world. Faith alone salvation is true!

Joel 2:28 God's Spirit "will be poured out on ALL FLESH."


Journal Entry 119 – Hard Work

January 13th (Saturday) 2018

Yooo, my boys. Itfs me Song again and I just did a bunch of workout stuff for

Because thatfs all that matters in life, I will work for a better future

Sometimes I feel these journal entries are a waste, but then I realize that the time I spend on them motivate me not just to not kill myself, but to work hard and strive hard in life so I wonft have to be stressed anymore. To create for myself a life of pleasure and relaxation and enjoyment.

·        Video games

·        Anime

·        Lotsa of tea and aroma therapy and meditation stuff (for ultimate relaxation)

·        A hot tub or might as well hot showers (just because theyfre so nice, and I do plan on continuing taking showers aprox. daily, so might as well make them feel good. I donft care if a shower is long, as long as it felt nice and warm, thatfs nice.

·        Inositol medication and other relaxation and anti-anxiety herbs (to help my brain heal itself from you-know-what)

·        Actual time to pursue hobbies

·        Maybe even publishing all of these notes as itfs own official book series or something lol

·        Anti anxiety blanket and just bulk buy a huge supply of those cuddly blankets I have

·        Being stronger to resist the constant voices in my head. These worries and fears and feelings are all fake. Why should I believe in something thatfs not real? Donft trust your heart, never follow it. Thatfs good advice.

·        Buying good video games to play with my sister with (or when shefs older, getting her into other fandoms lol and discussing like true friends)

·        Actually making my motherfs suffering not in vain and not repeating what happened to her through me all over again.

·        And, of course, even more money!

Ifm strong, and I know my body will adapt to all this stress; itfs necessary. When it does, and I get out of these turbulent teen times, I will be able to enjoy life for once in my life.

Ifm going to suffer no matter what. Whether Ifm working hard or not, Ifm still going to feel these feelings, like everyone else does, itfs not abnormal to believe in something thatfs fake, we all cling to those sorts of things. So Ifm going to work hard, because Ifm already at the maximum threshold of my suffering. Nothing is going to make me feel anymore pain than what I already feel, as even our own mental conditions have their biological limits that cannot break, as is our biological brian.

Whether I work hard or not, I will be in the same amount of pain; absolute. Might as well work hard, because at least therefs a benefit to it. Why should I sit back and watch my world be destroyed? This is my world, and I fight for it because itfs mine.


6:15 PM. Ifm obsessing again arenft I? I donft care if it takes me a long time to sleep, itfs comfy and itfs relaxing. Besides, more time to be awake to play hahahaha.

Look at those links boi, well Ifm obsessing again, forget this. Ifm the master of my own thoughts. These feelings, these constant flowing thoughts in my head, theyfre meaningless and fake. They arenft real.

At least being will give me a friend, a true friend who I can trust and have fun playing with. Hahaha, I love the Lord and Heaven, Ifm going to get it no matter what. Nobody has a resolve like mine, I have a reason to live, so that the efforts of my family are not in vain. But not just that. If Ifm suffering now, that means the good stuff is just around the corner. I think. Well, I shouldnft think. Ifm done obsessing. Done.