The entire Universe saved through the Universal Salvation offered by Christ. Faith accepts the free gift, have faith in Jesus!
John 3:35 "The Father loves the Son and has given ALL THINGS into His hands." ()
Journal Entry 112 – Phoney Foam
January 5th (Friday) 2018
Hey guys, welcome back to my daily fandom chat. Thatfs right, in an attempt not to think about that THING, Ifm just going to think about fandoms instead. My introvert mind is always going to think about things so deeply, so might as well do it on a variety of subject matter amirite? Because did He not create more than just that THING? Did He not create more to life than just that THING. Life is to be enjoyed and I find that THING boring because itfs literally the same THING all the time.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie. Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Like literally, itfs just dry skin, I want something fresh and cool homie.
Personally, what Ifm planning to do is, wait hold up. Excellent
Lol, did I scare you? (Well, not like I can really scare people with Microsoft Word huh). Since Ifve been feeling awfully nice today and have been able to sleep well, Ifmma make this quick, since youfre supposed to write for yourself and not for others
Nah, donft mention religion here. [As in Christ Jesus is a relationship, not a religion like a man made religion] The props in the scripted play technically makes sense though, since we are just clay of the potter, He can make us into anything He wants to make us into. I would comment more on this, but this guy is obviously an atheist and I donft care about trying to decode this and whatever. Look, if those people are praying to Him every day, then Hefs obviously already a big help to them. Plus, the more they suffer on Earth, the less time theyfll have to suffer in Hell before theyfre saved [as in in Sheol they will be convinced that Jesus is their saviour and thus have faith alone in Him and go to Heaven, everyone will]
Ok, the first part is good, Homie, therefs no way to pay back for your lifetimefs worth of consumption because you always need something to use to pay off your consumption. Therefs always going to a medium thatfs needed to pay off your consumption. And that medium is only more consumption. Sure, youfre working hard to get a lot of money to donate to charity, but youfve only gotten that money because youfve worked for a company that consumes things as well. Of course, itfs a business, so it makes a profit, so theyfre only profiting in their own consumption. Heck, even when youfre born youfve already consumed, in your mothers womb as well. So who cares about glifetimefs worth of consumptionh, God is real then He can always create more things in the snap of His fingers. [That is, in Heaven, we wonft have to worry about gpaying off consumptionh since the blood of Christ pays for all of our sins! Faith alone salvation, not of good works.]
Carbon footprint, Ifm tired of obsessing over stuff like effective altruism. You know why? Because organizations exist to make a profit off of the inherent guilt that we as humans have as a species [ Christ washes away all guilty, all sins, He will save everyone]. Screw that, Ifm stronger than those weak feelings and emotions. I do good because I enjoy doing good. Itfs only possible for me to do good because I know God, because only now do I enjoy doing good. Enough. No more religion, just relationship, enough forcing this around.
Yeah, and then therefs the introvert part.
Bam, thatfs why I donft waste time with stuff like this junk. I get the initial benefits, and when they go away I do something else. I see so much people hanging out on discords and fourms and what not. Boo, Ifmma play as much games and anime and pretty much enjoy life as much as I can for now, because thatfs whatfs really keeping me holding on. Itfs not my motivation, thatfs going to Heaven for sure, but the glue that keeps me binded. Therefs only a certain amount of motivation that can keep you holding on before you start to go crazy and kill yourself just because of biological boredom. Like literally, you could be the strongest person in the world, but youfre body is going to have a breaking point at some point. Thatfs why Ifm working hard to get enough money to relax, my goal in life is to live life for as long as possible. Why? Itfs fun. I donft live on for more rewards, screw rewards. I hate rewards because therefs always going to be someone better than you. In Heaven, we better all get the same rewards, like shared among us, that would be great. Because wefre all guilty sinners no matter what.
So whatfs the point of not killing yourself then? For me, itfs the fact that I have this special knowledge. Itfs comforting because God loves me, and as thanks for this special knowledge, I give back to God by staying alive. I donft want to make God regret giving me this comfort by having me kill myself, He might as well not tell me in the first place! I could have lived life without ever thinking of kill myself, but then life would be painful, because I would never have the comfort ofc
1. Faith alone in Jesus Christ saves.
2. Once saved, always saved.
3. Assurance of salvation
4. Hell is not eternal [Hell is temporary. Everyone will go to Heaven]
Maybe thatfs why not much people find out these truths, God doesnft want to tell them because if He did, then they would kill themselves because theyfre going to Heaven no matter what. Itfs true, theyfd still go to Heaven if they killed themselves, but if God told this knowledge to everyone who is currently saved, then some would kill themselves, ruining Godfs plan because less people would be saved.
So thatfs why Ifm alive, not out of a narssistic self-centered expectation for rewards or compensation (Eternal life literally covers all of that far more than need be), but because my life now belongs to Godfs. I respect His decision in giving me free will by showing I can use it properly. I die when God wants me to die. The end.
Besides, if I were to kill myself, then we would all kill myself. Because if even the strongest find no reason to live, then why should the weakest? (Ok, that came off kinda braggy, but you get the point).
Lol, no wonder so much people falsely believe that what they do on Earth will earn them rewards in Heaven, itfs tempting. Itfs tempting to see oneself as somehow gbetterh than somebody else, or at least not the worst. Sure, thatfs great, but everyone thinks that they arenft the worse. Everyone is a sinner and thus the worse.
The reward is Jesus Christ. Hefs all we need and will ever need. (Donft worry, thatfs the good kind of catchy).