MALACHI 3:2-3 Who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner's fire or a laundress's soap. He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver, he will purify the Levies and refine them like gold and silver. Then the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness. (NIV)
Journal Entry 110 – Oki Doki
January 3rd (Wednesday) 2018
You know what, today is nice. Ifm taking a break and playing, as the title of this is suggesting,
Yeah, thatfs about it.
However, when I play, Ifm always still thinking about that one THING. I donft want to think about it, but I do. Ifm feeling traumatised right now by it. But then I remember that some people have had it worse than me, yet have survived and have gone back to living a good life. Ifve already gotten everything I need from that THING, so Ifm all good.
Therefs no point in waiting when Ifll be perfectly happy to play this game, Ifll never truly be perfectly happy. This happiness is enough for me to survive with for now anyways, despite itfs headache and intrusive thoughts. It has even taken over my dream project, which sucks, but Ifm starting to forget about it more and more.
but I need to learn to face my obsessions without the compulsion. I need to learn to face my fears without doing the fearful response, that is searching it up online and ultimately typing and updating this constantly. I can feel the anxiety a bit and itfs making me get up and pee a lot and feel the need to pee even though I pee so little.
So Ifm only going to type this once, and then leave this how it is as you see it. Itfs for the best anyways. Herefs how I feel about all this.
I find it funny how Ifm getting so hurt over this, when I donft even know these people personally. And why should I trust them so much? Theyfve gotten other things wrong. I know for sure that what I believe is right and just because another person believes in a different thing doesnft mean I should be stressed about it.
But Ifll be optimistic. I will get through this suffering, I already feel much better than I was before. And Hefs providing me comfort as well, which is good that I didnft connect Him to the atrocities that is that THING and the people and community in that THING.
So, Song out. Ifm strong and, like how my mother was able to get out of her THING (while even being in it longer than I was in my THING), I will be able to get out of this too. Time heals all wounds.
See you guys later.